NSG Security Guarding uses an industry-leading real-time reporting software that allows our guards to report security issues through a handheld device in real-time. Leveraging the use of real-time reporting, NSG Security Guarding is able to track security activities, maintenance issues, and parking issues from our control room.
Real time reporting enables us to:
Monitor the location and productivity of our guards in the field, in real-time.
Track and analyze security issues and data over long periods of time to deliver a customized security service to each client’s specific needs
Send guards task reminders and notifications while in the field
Notify key personnel in the event of an emergency
Submit detailed Daily Activity Reports with GPS and time-stamped pictures and audio files with detailed descriptions of all security and maintenance issues.
Be pro-active
Control our mobile workforce in real-time
Anticipate problems
Prevent incidents and minimize damages.
Restore clients’ faith in security’s ability to react and respond quickly with real-time access and information flow.
Observe and control tasks being completed, patrols as they are conducted, and checkpoints as they are attended to live and in real-time. And much more
Real-Time Reporting
If you’re in charge of security for a company or organization of any size, we understand the challenges that you face on a daily basis. You’re always looking for tools and services to make your life easier, but not at the expense of productivity and genuine safety. Because of this, we have taken steps to bring NSG LiveTrac to the forefront of our real-time security services. While our distinguished competition is still languishing in the tools of the past, we’re looking towards the future and the ever-evolving needs that you’ll face on a regular basis.
We understand that real-time reporting tools like NSG LiveTrac are integral to a variety of industries, including:
Property management
Educational institutions
Event coordination
Executive protection
Government facilities
These tools make sure that NSG Security Guarding has every last bit of information they need to provide the types of security and to make the types of decisions that our customers have come to expect.
Mobile Access
One of the major benefits that come along with NSG LiveTrac has to do with the wide range of different ways that you can access the information within the system. Using traditional security software like the types that competing companies may offer, you can typically only access important information like incident reports from a centralized computer.
With real-time reporting tools like NSG LiveTrac, one of the main benefits comes from the fact that you can also access information on a variety of different devices including:
Desktop computers
Laptop computers
Personal Data Assistants
Other Portable Devices
The “real-time” part of the equation doesn’t just have to do with how quickly an incident can be reported – it also refers to how quickly information can be passed between two parties thanks to these types of advancements. Businesses can also issue specific IDs for security guards, for example, which would allow them to automatically respond from the NSG LiveTrac reporting app on their own personal device.
Real-time incident reporting.
Another major benefit of real-time reporting tools like NSG LiveTrac has to do with the ease at which information can be entered into the system. We understand that when using most other reporting tools, incidents could only be tracked by people with the appropriate login credentials. If the resident of an apartment complex needed to file a report, they would need to do so in paper form. That paper report would then need to be turned in to the appropriate individual, who would then transcribe that information into the reporting system. The entire process is time-consuming and does little to help prevent similar issues in the future.
With NSG LiveTrac, these issues instantly disappear. Residents of an apartment complex with multiple buildings can go online and issue a detailed report that automatically includes information like which building they live in. The digital report is then sent to a centralized “Issue Monitor” section of the service, which allows on-site staff to respond immediately.
Our Security officers can now capture incidents, send pictures and reports, and communicate wirelessly on-the-fly with supervisors during checkpoint patrols. NSG Security Guarding can also track time and attendance, and use GPS and geo-fencing to track the locations and generalized movements of our guards on patrol.
Real-Time Communication
NSG LiveTrac is excellent for increasing communication overall throughout our organization. Increased communication comes with additional benefits like:
Increased productivity
Fast identification of safety issues
Closing of security concerns
Better decision making
Reduced risk liability
Task Assignment
NSG Live Trac’s task feature lets us create a daily itinerary and to-do list for all of our guards.
We create automatically scheduled tasks for daily completion, easily edit or add in new tasks as they come up, see notifications when tasks are completed, and record useful details about the work.
Generating powerful Daily Activity Reports and creating User Shift Reports gives you more information than ever before allowing us to tailor our services to the highest priorities.
Our system allows us to locate our guards in the field, in real time.
Through the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, we are able to track the movement of our standing guards, mobile patrols, and mobile supervisors to immediately receive notification about where and when an issue arises.
This allows us to send the appropriate personnel directly to the scene of an incident quickly and easily while tracking and directing them in real-time.
If you’re ready to start embracing the future and want to use real-time monitoring tools on your premises, give us a call today.